Xero is a discord moderation & anti wizz bot that prevents users & staff from destroying your server completely. If a user is not whitelisted and bans or kicks a member, invites a bot to the server, deletes channels/roles or give unwhitelisted members kick/ban permissions and even creates webhooks they will be removed from the server immediately and the server owner will get a direct message. Xero has 3 categories: Moderation, antinuke, and bot management. If you add me to your server, I can ensure your protection! For more information about Xero, add me to your server and type ;help
or ;info
deleted_userac3338d9c317 Discord Bot
Invite Xero Bot to your server and enjoy its advanced Anti-Nuke commands. Get maximum protection with Xero Discord Bot.
0 upvotes in Septemberdeleted_userac3338d9c317 Discord Bot Described:
Xero is an advanced Anti-Nuke discord bot that ensures maximum protection on your server.Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add deleted_userac3338d9c317 Discord Bot to my server?
You can add deleted_userac3338d9c317 to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add deleted_userac3338d9c317 Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots
Meet the largest in-app indie game on Discord. A currency and fishing game for catching creatures, collecting items, robbing your friends, taking care of pets, building skills, and more!