Books Discord Servers

Find the best Books Discord Servers, or add your own! Browse through the most popular servers on Discord, and find the right server for you!

Crab and Bell Books Discord Server Banner
Crab and Bell Books Discord Server Logo

Community  Social 
31 Online 271 Members
We are a warm and welcoming community for readers of all kinds. If you enjoy a good book, come join us!
Bookly Reading Lounge Discord Server Banner
Bookly Reading Lounge Discord Server Logo

223 Online 4,175 Members
A friendly & safe space for every book lover. Join our Bookly community, book clubs, and readathons! 📚
Books of Teyvat Discord Server Banner
Books of Teyvat Discord Server Logo

Gaming  PUBG 
28 Online 151 Members
Welcome to Books of Teyvat! engage with our vibrant community, and win weekly Welkin blessings and Nitro giveaways!
Organized Book Club Discord Server Banner
Organized Book Club Discord Server Logo

574 Online 3,520 Members
A place to discuss books and enjoy company of other readers. Regular reading events, quality book discussions, and more!
Book Lovers Club Discord Server Banner
Book Lovers Club Discord Server Logo

4,961 Online 54,317 Members
Whatever you enjoy reading, whoever your favorite author is, you'll find plenty of discussion in this troll-free group.
Book Club 📖 Discord Server Banner
Book Club 📖 Discord Server Logo

Social  Community 
41 Online 292 Members
Book club and friend group! 📕 We read a different book every month
Book Hugger's Haven Discord Server Banner
Book Hugger's Haven Discord Server Logo

993 Online 7,296 Members
A cozy community for all readers, regardless of your bookish goals, taste, and prior experience with reading!
The Baddies Bookshelf Discord Server Banner
The Baddies Bookshelf Discord Server Logo

126 Online 2,820 Members
TBB is a community-driven server focused on all things book related! We are a warm community of diverse individuals!
Goodreads Discord Server Banner
Goodreads Discord Server Logo

1,003 Online 5,723 Members
Book lover community that hosts a monthly themed book club, a LGBTQIA+ environment, readathons, reading bingo, and more!
book loyality ౨ৎ Discord Server Banner
book loyality ౨ৎ Discord Server Logo

14 Online 43 Members
a server to talk about books, authors, writing + more. join now!
Bookaholics Discord Server Banner
Bookaholics Discord Server Logo

1,302 Online 13,184 Members
Bookaholics is a friendly community for people who love to read and talk about books.
Book Club Discord Server Banner
Book Club Discord Server Logo

10 Online 23 Members
A fun read for everyone to enjoy your books!
Datoverse Discord Server Banner
Datoverse Discord Server Logo

42 Online 4,726 Members
Welcom To Datoverse ! Books are amazing
Teen Girls Book Club Discord Server Banner
Teen Girls Book Club Discord Server Logo

Books  Community 
15 Online 145 Members
A group for young adults/teenage females who love reading to have fun!
Advertise & Entertainment Hub Discord Server Banner
Advertise & Entertainment Hub Discord Server Logo

Social  Books 
33 Online 554 Members
Discover a thriving Discord server, the 'Advertise & Entertainment Hub,' offering engaging discussions on books and movies, 25 self-advertising channels, partnerships, communal book readings,

Find Books Discord Servers on is a great resource for finding books themed Discord Servers. You can browse through the available servers and look for one that is best suited for your needs. You can filter the results by server size and server type. You can also view the server's description, which can provide you with more information about the server. Once you find a server that you are interested in joining, you can use the provided link to join the server. Once you join the server, you will be able to communicate and interact with other members of the server. You can also use the server's various features to make your experience more enjoyable. So, if you are looking for Books Discord servers, be sure to check out!