History Discord Servers

Find the best History Discord Servers, or add your own! Browse through the most popular servers on Discord, and find the right server for you!

/r/history Discord Server Banner
/r/history Discord Server Logo

845 Online 5,280 Members
subreddit server for /r/history, a place to talk about all things history!
Heimler's History Discord Server Banner
Heimler's History Discord Server Logo

2,037 Online 28,869 Members
The Official Discord of YouTuber Steve Heimler of Heimler's History. Get your brain cows milked!
World History Discord Server Banner
World History Discord Server Logo

2,900 Online 19,803 Members
Official Discord Partner! Discussion & debates of history, politics, philosophy, religion, economics, news, science.
History of Everything Discord Server Banner
History of Everything Discord Server Logo

209 Online 3,039 Members
We're a friendly community focused on history, open to those who wish to learn more about history
Anime History & Other Mods Discord Server Banner
Anime History & Other Mods Discord Server Logo

969 Online 4,026 Members
Rune's official Discord community server. Feel free to come and visit!
mili & history community Discord Server Banner
mili & history community Discord Server Logo

23 Online 102 Members
"Welcome to the Mili & History Community! Our server is dedicated to all things military and historical.
ISP Discord Server Banner
ISP Discord Server Logo

5,952 Online 18,703 Members
History, Memes and ISP.
Cold War Discord Server Banner
Cold War Discord Server Logo

4,368 Online 15,170 Members
An alternative history game about a conventional war between NATO forces and the Warsaw PACT situated in the 80-90s.
🌴 Extreme War Experience 🌴 Discord Server Banner
🌴 Extreme War Experience 🌴 Discord Server Logo

1,807 Online 17,751 Members
ROBLOX community designated for history-loving users.
Regalia ― United Historians Online (MSSRL) Discord Server Banner
Regalia ― United Historians Online (MSSRL) Discord Server Logo

755 Online 5,977 Members
Regalia: A place where people, in a friendly community, can share, learn, and discuss History while making friends!
Yarnhub Discord Server Banner
Yarnhub Discord Server Logo

759 Online 4,200 Members
We're an animated film studio that produce films about history. Use this discord to speak to us or other viewers.
Skept Republica β€” Politics Discord Server Banner
Skept Republica β€” Politics Discord Server Logo

904 Online 8,430 Members
A non toxic community to discuss current affairs, politics, theology, philosophy, history, economics, science, etc.
Der Server β€” Discussions about Politics Discord Server Banner
Der Server β€” Discussions about Politics Discord Server Logo

3,225 Online 14,194 Members
A welcoming community where you can delve into discussions on politics, history, current events, and all your passions.
Emupedia Discord Server Banner
Emupedia Discord Server Logo

134 Online 4,982 Members
We are a community for those interested in video game preservation and computer history.
Diwatahan αœ‡αœ’αœαœ†αœ‘αœˆαœ” Discord Server Banner
Diwatahan αœ‡αœ’αœαœ†αœ‘αœˆαœ” Discord Server Logo

202 Online 3,360 Members
Honoring Filipino History, Spirituality, and Culture || Filipino Classes, Resources, and Community✨
World Conquest Discord Server Banner
World Conquest Discord Server Logo

2,633 Online 15,948 Members
Welcome to World Conquest, a territorial nation-roleplay game. Recreate historical events, or go down the alternate history pathway.

Find History Discord Servers on Discordbotlist.com

discordbotlist.com is a great resource for finding history themed Discord Servers. You can browse through the available servers and look for one that is best suited for your needs. You can filter the results by server size and server type. You can also view the server's description, which can provide you with more information about the server. Once you find a server that you are interested in joining, you can use the provided link to join the server. Once you join the server, you will be able to communicate and interact with other members of the server. You can also use the server's various features to make your experience more enjoyable. So, if you are looking for History Discord servers, be sure to check out discordbotlist.com!