Music Discord Servers

Find the best Music Discord Servers, or add your own! Browse through the most popular servers on Discord, and find the right server for you!

Cool Music Support Discord Server Banner
Cool Music Support Discord Server Logo

1,845 Online 9,866 Members
Cool Music Bot: Support & Community
Academic Music Discord Server Banner
Academic Music Discord Server Logo

727 Online 4,952 Members
A server for learning and discussing music in a rigorous, inclusive, and friendly environment!
Vexento Music Discord Server Banner
Vexento Music Discord Server Logo

166 Online 1,304 Members
The official community for the music producer Vexento. Join for events, music discussions, a friendly community, & more!
Music Promotion︱Daemon's server Discord Server Banner
Music Promotion︱Daemon's server Discord Server Logo

1,136 Online 9,606 Members
A server to promote your music and get to know new people.
Future House Music Discord Server Banner
Future House Music Discord Server Logo

842 Online 6,480 Members
This server is all about the love for house music! Expect monthly producer events, giveaways and artist invites!
Joshua's Musical Cove Discord Server Banner
Joshua's Musical Cove Discord Server Logo

341 Online 6,024 Members
Joshua's Musical Cove is the best place to connect with fans of theatre, animated shows, games, and more!
Music & Mayhem RP Discord Server Banner
Music & Mayhem RP Discord Server Logo

1,739 Online 6,297 Members
Music & Mayhem is a WHITELISTED FiveM server that has been rebuilt from the ground up to deliver an A+ experience.
Music Room Discord Server Banner
Music Room Discord Server Logo

236 Online 3,312 Members
Music Room è un Server a tema musicale in cui si possono trovare tantissimi appassionati.
80s Music Discord Server Banner
80s Music Discord Server Logo

267 Online 2,652 Members
We are a server dedicated to music's most fruitful decade: the 1980s. Come stop by our welcoming community!
Musical Innovations Discord Server Banner
Musical Innovations Discord Server Logo

315 Online 2,017 Members
Now available for public testing! Join a world of music and play with friends or strangers from all over the world in Piano Rooms!
New Music 4 U Discord Server Banner
New Music 4 U Discord Server Logo

268 Online 4,013 Members
This server is dedicated to bringing you the latest and newest tunes. This is the perfect place to find new music! ❤
Sharks Music Server Discord Server Banner
Sharks Music Server Discord Server Logo

381 Online 2,693 Members
This server is a great fun place for artists and the community from sharkstunes with Monthly music challenges events!
K-pop Music Quiz Discord Server Banner
K-pop Music Quiz Discord Server Logo

284 Online 3,418 Members
Home of Discord's most popular kpop music bot! Make new friends and explore kpop together with KMQ!
Video Game Music Lounge Discord Server Banner
Video Game Music Lounge Discord Server Logo

631 Online 3,049 Members
Video Game Music Discord, Record Label, Orig Albums, VGM Radio, Composing Challenges, Education, Podcasts, Chat +++!
Kyle Allen Music Discord Server Banner
Kyle Allen Music Discord Server Logo

228 Online 1,690 Members
Official server for Kyle Allen Music on YouTube!
Karaoke Lounge - Singing - Music Discord Server Banner
Karaoke Lounge - Singing - Music Discord Server Logo

11,976 Online 101,273 Members
Singing is what we do, all day, every day, come and jam with us! or just listen. no judging, good vibes only!

Find Music Discord Servers on is a great resource for finding music themed Discord Servers. You can browse through the available servers and look for one that is best suited for your needs. You can filter the results by server size and server type. You can also view the server's description, which can provide you with more information about the server. Once you find a server that you are interested in joining, you can use the provided link to join the server. Once you join the server, you will be able to communicate and interact with other members of the server. You can also use the server's various features to make your experience more enjoyable. So, if you are looking for Music Discord servers, be sure to check out!