OSU! Discord Servers

Find the best OSU! Discord Servers, or add your own! Browse through the most popular servers on Discord, and find the right server for you!

osu! Game Discord Server Banner
osu! Game Discord Server Logo

21,453 Online 79,765 Members
osu! Community ❤ Gaming ⭐ Anime ⭐ Memes ⭐ Giveaways ⭐And more!
osu! Discord Server Banner
osu! Discord Server Logo

1,998 Online 7,186 Members
The original osu! community discord hub. Rhythm is just a click away!
OSU! RU Discord Server Banner
OSU! RU Discord Server Logo

1,066 Online 12,876 Members
OSU! RU - это СНГ DISCORD сервер по игре osu! Я собираю людей что-бы они могли вместе поиграть и весело провести время.
grizzlypng’s osu! maps Discord Server Banner
grizzlypng’s osu! maps Discord Server Logo

7,363 Online 47,679 Members
Hey, grizzlypng here. I post all my map files in here as well as hold big giveaways! Feel free to play osu! with others!
osu!droid (International) Discord Server Banner
osu!droid (International) Discord Server Logo

839 Online 7,465 Members
A place for you to talk about osu!droid and rimu!, your favorite circle clicking games (on the go!)
kiwec's osu! projects Discord Server Banner
kiwec's osu! projects Discord Server Logo

1,715 Online 7,064 Members
Automated osu! multiplayer lobbies, with an alternative leaderboard not based on performance points.
osu! #russian Discord Server Banner
osu! #russian Discord Server Logo

282 Online 2,974 Members
osu!#russian - это новые знакомства, веселье, совместные игры, ивенты и многое другое
osu! Medal Hunters Discord Server Banner
osu! Medal Hunters Discord Server Logo

918 Online 2,703 Members
We are a community centered around the medals (also known as achievements) of the rhythm game "osu!" :)
bleachy's osu server Discord Server Banner
bleachy's osu server Discord Server Logo

6,038 Online 58,920 Members
friendly osu! community with giveaways, events and cool emojis!
Osu Bakadesh Discord Server Banner
Osu Bakadesh Discord Server Logo

71 Online 430 Members
An osu! server mostly for Indians
6 Digit osu! Server Discord Server Banner
6 Digit osu! Server Discord Server Logo

5 Online 17 Members
just an osu! server mainly for 6digit players
lifeline's Discord Server Banner
lifeline's Discord Server Logo

813 Online 3,909 Members
osu community of Lifeline, a osu! player
skinship Discord Server Banner
skinship Discord Server Logo

916 Online 5,053 Members
all about osu! skinning
Clay's Void Discord Server Banner
Clay's Void Discord Server Logo

5,595 Online 26,795 Members
Mostly an osu! server but can do anything.
EZ-PPFarm Discord Server Banner
EZ-PPFarm Discord Server Logo

228 Online 1,379 Members
Welcome to EZPPFarm. an osu! private server featuring vanilla, relax, autopilot and ScoreV2 osu!, on a single server!
Seif's Sqwod Discord Server Banner
Seif's Sqwod Discord Server Logo

2,041 Online 13,233 Members
Server built from the content creator UserSeif. Mainly Osu! shares/skins/maps/events!

Find OSU! Discord Servers on Discordbotlist.com

discordbotlist.com is a great resource for finding osu! themed Discord Servers. You can browse through the available servers and look for one that is best suited for your needs. You can filter the results by server size and server type. You can also view the server's description, which can provide you with more information about the server. Once you find a server that you are interested in joining, you can use the provided link to join the server. Once you join the server, you will be able to communicate and interact with other members of the server. You can also use the server's various features to make your experience more enjoyable. So, if you are looking for OSU! Discord servers, be sure to check out discordbotlist.com!