We are a public, community discord server dedicated to all things fashion and style related. We are here to provide a safe and friendly environment to discuss fashion, share ideas, and get advice from other members.
We have a variety of channels dedicated to topics such as fashion trends, makeup and hair tips, and even advice on how to dress for your body type. We also have a dedicated channel for members to showcase their own fashion designs and creations, allowing you to get feedback and advice from other members.
We have a variety of fun activities and events to participate in, such as group shopping trips, fashion design competitions, and even friendly competitions to see who can come up with the best outfit.
We are dedicated to helping you find your own style, and making sure that you look your best. So come check us out, join the conversation, and let’s make fashion famous together! Fixed an issue where purchasing the “Create Your Own Theme” option twice would not grant the purchased themes.