Our Mission
To be the global leader of the mineral fiber industry and the preeminent producer of pulp by delivering unmatched product quality and innovation to our stakeholders through the restoration and conservation of our environment.
Our Vision
To provide the global pulp and mineral fiber industry with quality, innovative, safe, reasonably priced, Eco-friendly, and value-added solutions.
As it is with many revolutionary technologies past and present, it is the innate desire to solve an existing or emerging national or social challenge that gives birth to these ground-breaking innovations. Such is nearly the case with GCS’ coal ash-to-mineral fiber conversion technology and our sister company’s (Eco Green Solutions) coal powered plant emissions capture technology. The invention of these technologies spanned a period of twelve years and an additional four years for their commercialization in the United States. During this period, our team has experienced numerous divine encounters which have opened our eyes to the great blessing these technologies are to our society and the privileged stewardship and custodial responsibilities that God has tasked our team.
And where our coal ash technology addresses the undeniable challenges with our nation’s safe and responsible management of coal ash inventories, GCS’ sister company’s coal emissions capture technology fully addresses the national and global challenge of controlling greenhouse gas emissions from coal powered plants. With these two technologies at hand, our nation’s vast coal resources can be treasured once again as a strategic asset that should fully render our nation energy independent while finally enabling the United States to fully embrace an “All-of-the-above” energy policy while providing meaningful employment and economic vitality across the nation.