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Project Discord Server

Join the Project: SCP Discord server for the latest news, updates, and discussions about the game. Invite link available with 6.46k members.
  • 0 upvotes in January
  • 2,539 Online
  • 9,741 Members
The Project Discord server has 2.5K online members and 0 upvotes.

Project: SCP Discord Server Described

: This is the official server for the Project: SCP Roblox game, a round based SCP game.
Project: SCP

Welcome to the official server for the Project: SCP game! This Roblox game brings the world of SCP containment to life through an immersive, round-based experience that tests your teams’ ability to survive and contain. Put your knowledge and skills to the test as you team up with your friends and devise creative solutions to cope with the anomalies of the world. Work together to capture, contain, and understand the secrets beneath the skin of reality. Join the community and help make the Roblox experience better for all SCP lovers.

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You can play on any device. ⭐ Please consider liking and favoriting the game for more updates.