Duck Discord Bot Logo

Duck Discord Bot

Invite Duck Bot to your server and enjoy its easy to use Utility and Moderation commands, along with Minecraft, Among Us, and Fun features! Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in September

Duck Discord Bot Described:

Duck Bot is a really easy to use Utility and Moderation bot with other features including Minecraft, Among Us, Fun, and more!


Duck Bot is a really easy to use Utility and Moderation bot with other features including Minecraft, Among Us, Fun, and more!

If you need additional help, You can join our support server here:



/avatar - Shows your or the mentioned user’s avatar

/inrole - Shows the users with a role

/ping - Shows my latency

/info - Shows Bot Info

/invite - Invite the bot to your server

/Id - Shows the ID of a mentioned user

/help - Shows you all of the commands

/coinflip - Flips a coin

/roll - Rolls a Dice

/embed - Create a custom embed

/say - Make the bot say anything

/userinfo - Shows information about the mentioned user

/serverinfo - Shows server information

/lock - Locks a channel

/unlock - Unlocks a channel

/delete - Delete a certain amount of messages by a certain user

/delp - Delete your own messages

⚠️ Moderation

/ban - Bans a user from the server

/kick - Kicks a user from the server

/purge - Delete a certain amount of messages in a channel

/mute - Mutes a user in the server

/unban - Removes the ban of a user

/unmute - Unmutes a user from the server

/slowmode - Set the slowmode of a channel

/tempmute - Temporarily mute a user from the server

😃 Fun

/meme - Gives a meme

/8ball - The Magical 8ball can predict anything

/pp - Accurate PP Size machine

/snipe - Shows the last deleted message

/gay - Accurate Gay Machine

⛏ Minecraft

/skin - Shows the Skin if the provided IGN
/server - Get Info about a minecraft server

🐨 Animals

/dog - Gives a random dog picture

🚀Among Us

/amongus - Use this to mute and unmute everyone during a game

(More to be added)

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Duck Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Duck to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Duck Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: /
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Fits#0624