- what is this server about?
- This server is most about electronics and tech and robotics and coding also other things like giveaways, games, free stuff, fun, cool GIFs and emojis and many more
- do you have a website?
- https://hightechrobo.com/
- can i apply for staff?
- yes by typing
staff-apply in #🤖bot-commands🤖 you can apply (closed) - ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- you can give suggestions with
in #🤖bot-commands🤖 and your suggestion will appear in #🛠suggestions🎮
- chat with others to get roles
- if your level be
- level 12 = @Vip
- level 23 = @Mvp
- level 69 = @Mvp+
- level 96 = @God
- level 120 = @Lord
- level 199 = @Overlord
- you will get the role automatically by @Maki#4920
- you can cheek your level with
in #🤖bot-commands🤖
invite members to get roles
if you invite
10 players = @Vip
20 players = @Mvp
30 players = @Mvp+
40 players = @God
50 players = @Lord
60 players = @Overlord
you will get the role automatically by @Somi 🐈#2031 or @Invite Tracker#0478
you can check your invites with
in #🤖bot-commands🤖 -
the bot may not work so create a ticket #🆘ticket🙋
- that’s all have fun also