Discord Servers

Find the new, best Discord Servers to join, with over 35,000 tagged for easy search, with stats, plus links to join and upvote, checked October 2024
42,752 Discord Servers
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Best Discord Servers

These servers were voted best by the community in the past 12 hours.

PUBG MOBILE JAPAN Discord Server Banner
PUBG MOBILE JAPAN Discord Server Logo

51 Online 2,662 Members
PUBG MOBILE JAPAN公式Discordサーバーです🙂
The ORC Server Discord Server Banner
The ORC Server Discord Server Logo

24 Online 50 Members
Welcome to the ORC server! In this server you'll be able to talk all about old roblox!
Snowy x Eiko Discord Server Banner
Snowy x Eiko Discord Server Logo

8 Online 16 Members
Divertido, Una colab con mi amigo solo eso.
The Carnivores Saga Discord Discord Server Banner
The Carnivores Saga Discord Discord Server Logo

539 Online 2,508 Members
Dedicated to the Carnivores series & its modding community.
🍌FARM 🍌 Discord Server Banner
🍌FARM 🍌 Discord Server Logo

1,253 Online 5,499 Members
Entre no melhor servidor de FREE FIRE. Jogue contra os melhores e faça diversos amigos em call. 🍌
⋆.ೃ࿔* Discord Server Banner
⋆.ೃ࿔* Discord Server Logo

11 Online 37 Members
・┆✦ʚ**Cherry Blossom**ɞ✦ ┆・ **Are you a fan of the romance webtoon cherry crush? Well we are too!**
Bite Stop! Discord Server Banner
Bite Stop! Discord Server Logo

8 Online 70 Members
ACTIVE and working server. Good for Door dash, Chipotle and Popeyes. Uber eats coming soon. BIG giveaways. New server (old server got banned with 500+ members)
Friendss<3 Discord Server Banner
Friendss<3 Discord Server Logo

39 Online 169 Members
Welcome to our Discord server! Join a friendly community where you can chat, share, and connect over your favorite topics. Whether you're into gaming, art, or just hanging out, there’s a plac
PRO Indicators Discord Server Banner
PRO Indicators Discord Server Logo

762 Online 9,762 Members
Learn trading in a peer-to-peer supportive way, supervised by a 15y+ trader and free online lessons!
Market Elites Discord Server Banner
Market Elites Discord Server Logo

1,872 Online 5,489 Members
A group of 3000 Elites building the most powerful community in all of web3.
MOTORSPORTS FELLAS 🤍 Discord Server Banner
MOTORSPORTS FELLAS 🤍 Discord Server Logo

104 Online 4,579 Members
The Amazing motorsports Discord server. -F1-F2-F3-MOTO GP-ect
Joyland AI Discord Server Banner
Joyland AI Discord Server Logo

1,077 Online 10,977 Members
Welcome to the official Joyland Discord Server! Meet AI Characters, Roleplay, Create Bots and Share Stories!

Biggest Discord Servers

Midjourney Discord Server Banner
Midjourney Discord Server Logo

1,430,437 Online 20,971,869 Members
The official server for Midjourney, a text-to-image AI where your imagination is the only limit.
Viggle Discord Server Banner
Viggle Discord Server Logo

175,715 Online 4,361,736 Members
Viggle.ai, make any character move as you want.
LimeWire Discord Server Banner
LimeWire Discord Server Logo

83,532 Online 2,266,446 Members
Our active text-to-image AI community powers your journey to generate the best art, images, and design.
Genshin Impact Official Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Official Discord Server Logo

377,558 Online 1,920,509 Members
Welcome to Teyvat, Traveler! This is the place to discuss with others about your favorite game: Genshin Impact!
Leonardo.Ai Discord Server Banner
Leonardo.Ai Discord Server Logo

85,070 Online 1,792,725 Members
Leonardo.AI is an AI-based tool for game asset generation, that saves time for game developers, studios, and artists.
Blox Fruits Discord Server Banner
Blox Fruits Discord Server Logo

287,445 Online 1,750,000 Members
The official community for the popular Roblox game known as Blox Fruits.
Nova Discord Server Banner
Nova Discord Server Logo

166,652 Online 1,278,253 Members
This is a server where you can play OG Fortnite multiplayer!
VALORANT Discord Server Banner
VALORANT Discord Server Logo

Gaming  LFG 
292,427 Online 1,275,040 Members
The official VALORANT Discord server, in collaboration with Riot Games. Find the latest news and talk about the game!

Roblox Servers & Games

Blox Fruits Discord Server Banner
Blox Fruits Discord Server Logo

287,445 Online 1,750,000 Members
The official community for the popular Roblox game known as Blox Fruits.
Yielding Arts Discord Server Banner
Yielding Arts Discord Server Logo

209,675 Online 1,197,981 Members
You can play on any device. ⭐ Please consider liking and favoriting the game for more updates.
All Star Discord Server Banner
All Star Discord Server Logo

179,328 Online 1,166,501 Members
Form teams and defend your towers! Get ready for an adventure through the wonderful world of All Star Tower Defense!
King Legacy Discord Server Banner
King Legacy Discord Server Logo

74,149 Online 853,760 Members
Welcome to King Legacy's Official Discord Server! King Legacy is a Roblox game inspired by an anime called One Piece.

Find The Best Discord Servers

With Discord Server List, you can find new servers based on your interests. With a wide variety of servers categorized in almost every topic, there's no shortage of discord servers waiting for you. And with our filtering options, you'll be able to find the one that works for you in just a few clicks.

Contributors can also register an account on our website and add their favorite Discord servers within seconds! We also provide users with information about each discord server, including the number of members online, total upvotes, and overall popularity. These facts allow you to decide if the server is worth joining at a glance.

How to use Discord Server List

Using our server list couldn't be easier! Simply visit our website and browse through our vast selection of servers. Once you've found one that meets your requirements, simply press the big "join" button!

The last step will require you to log into Discord, at which point a popup will appear on your screen, asking if you would like to join the server. Once done, you will automatically be added to the server of choice.

Remember, some servers may require additional verification to use to their full functionality.

What are Discord Servers?

In short, Discord Servers are social hubs where you can gather with your friends and other people to talk. A Discord server can be anything from a small group of people discussing one topic to an entire community centered around video games, music, memes, and more.

There's no shortage of server topics, and our website can help you find the best Discord servers for your interests. No matter what you're into, there's probably a Discord server for it.

If you want to join one (or create your own), simply click the + button on Discord. Alternatively, you can browse our contributor added selection of Discord servers on our website.

Why do you need Discord Servers?

Discord servers are a great way to connect with people of similar interests, especially if you share your server with others.

For example, there are a lot of Minecraft players on Discord. Suppose you have a Minecraft server setup. Why not make a public Discord server related to it? People will be able to chat with each other about the server and meet new people who share similar interests.

If you're using Discord already to talk to friends or players, why not create a server yourself to share the experience? Your community will love it! Or, if you already have one, why not post it on our Discord Server List?

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