Find The Best Discord Servers
With Discord Server List, you can find new servers based on your interests. With a wide variety of servers categorized in almost every topic, there's no shortage of discord servers waiting for you. And with our filtering options, you'll be able to find the one that works for you in just a few clicks.
Contributors can also register an account on our website and add their favorite Discord servers within seconds! We also provide users with information about each discord server, including the number of members online, total upvotes, and overall popularity. These facts allow you to decide if the server is worth joining at a glance.
How to use Discord Server List
Using our server list couldn't be easier! Simply visit our website and browse through our vast selection of servers. Once you've found one that meets your requirements, simply press the big "join" button!
The last step will require you to log into Discord, at which point a popup will appear on your screen, asking if you would like to join the server. Once done, you will automatically be added to the server of choice.
Remember, some servers may require additional verification to use to their full functionality.
What are Discord Servers?
In short, Discord Servers are social hubs where you can gather with your friends and other people to talk. A Discord server can be anything from a small group of people discussing one topic to an entire community centered around video games, music, memes, and more.
There's no shortage of server topics, and our website can help you find the best Discord servers for your interests. No matter what you're into, there's probably a Discord server for it.
If you want to join one (or create your own), simply click the + button on Discord. Alternatively, you can browse our contributor added selection of Discord servers on our website.
Why do you need Discord Servers?
Discord servers are a great way to connect with people of similar interests, especially if you share your server with others.
For example, there are a lot of Minecraft players on Discord. Suppose you have a Minecraft server setup. Why not make a public Discord server related to it? People will be able to chat with each other about the server and meet new people who share similar interests.
If you're using Discord already to talk to friends or players, why not create a server yourself to share the experience? Your community will love it! Or, if you already have one, why not post it on our Discord Server List?